Marathon Mum. Marathon Man. Get the joke? Both feature obsessiveness, shady characters from Europe, lots of running, and most notably, torture. This online journal began as I trained for the 2005 London Marathon. I successfully finished the race, but MarathonMum lives on. After all, life as a mother isn't a sprint, it's a marathon.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
2013: Week 53
Taken after our New Year's Eve dinner at Hawksmoor, continuing a fine family tradition of having a steak dinner on the last day of the year. Happy new year.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
2013: Week 51
This picture also marks the occasion that this is the first year he was too big to go on his dad's shoulders to put on the star. He used a small stool instead. Time marches on, indeed.
Monday, December 16, 2013
2013: Week 50
I captured this group of runners on the field between the Queen's House and the Royal Observatory (where the stadium was for the equestrian events during the 2012 Summer Olympics). Amazing, you can't see the Queen's House, even though it is just to the right of the runners.
No filter was harmed in the creation of this photo.
Monday, December 09, 2013
2013: Week 49
2013: Week 48
In a week full of photo opportunities--- Thanksgiving celebrations, seeing old friends, admiring the London Christmas decorations, I went with the most simple one: a single candle I held during Advent Services on the first day of Advent.
Monday, November 25, 2013
2013: Week 47
Happy Holidays!
With one month until Christmas Eve, let the hoopla begin. Spotted on a very posh store in South Kensington, London.
#ilovelondon #ilovechristmas
Monday, November 18, 2013
2013: Week 46
On a very grey and rainy day in London, I spotted this: a lonely chicken taking a call next to the Thames. No, I have no idea why he's there. No, I don't know who he's talking to. (His agent? He might be saying something like, "You need to get me a better gig than this.") But whatever his reason for being there, his presence cheered me up immensely.
#ilovelondon #nofilter
Monday, November 11, 2013
2013: Week 45
I captured this photo near the end of an epic walk on my birthday eve.
We had a most excellent dim sum brunch at Royal China at Westferry in Canary Wharf and decided to walk back home because it was a beautiful sunny day. We tried our best to stay on the Thames Path on the way back. But several times we found that some money grubbing, heartless developers closed off their sections of the Thames Path and we had to do some zig zagging back and forth from the Thames to Westferry Road. This was one of the zig zags.
But it was a fantastic day just the same-- tasty brunch, sunshine, fun walk and (most importantly for this picture) great light.
Monday, November 04, 2013
2013: Week 44
I was spoiled for choice to pick just one picture to capture Week 44 of 2013. We went to the Shard at sunset (Ooh!). It was Halloween (Boo!). We kicked the autumnal leaves in the park (Ouch!).
In the end, I went for a snap of the Blackheath Fireworks. It's a huge part of our autumnal calendar, and we go every year (except for last year, when I mistakenly booked tickets for us to see the opera that night instead. I won't be making that mistake again.) They estimate that more than 100,000 people gather on the heath to watch them. It is insane, but one of the many reasons why I love living in London.
Monday, October 28, 2013
2013: Week 43
This beautiful surprise is one of the many reasons why I Love London.
Monday, October 21, 2013
2013: Week 42
When I saw this shadow in the back garden, it looked to me like the Bat Sign-- calling Batman to Gotham CIty to restore law and order and do other Batman-like things.
Monday, October 14, 2013
2013: Week 41
Falling Rain + Falling Leaves = Our Sunday Morning.
I took this picture for Instragram's weekend hashtag project, "Signs of the Season." I took it in the pouring rain, which wasn't at all pleasant, but I thought it was perfect for the project, as the directional sign seems to be pointing at the fallen leaves saying, "Look! Autumn is right here!"
Monday, October 07, 2013
2013: Week 40
In Week 40, we had our apple harvest. In the midst of harvesting, we found this little friend on one of the apples.
Monday, September 30, 2013
2013: Week 39
It was a fantastic day. We had cake for breakfast, as is the tradition. The sun shone. The tailgating at Wembley was epic. The pre-game show featured Tinie Tempah. We enjoyed some American fireworks to go with the American over-the-top festivities.
The funniest moment of the day was when the lovely gentleman from Devon seated next to me turned to me and asked, "So, is this your first American football game?" To be fair, he hadn't heard me talk yet, so maybe my American accent would have negated the need to ask that question. I only laughed and said, "Well, I've seen A LOT of American football games. I have no idea how many." (This is just a ballpark figure, but maybe 11,631?)
We also learned the answer to the question that had always troubled us: Could Gene Simmons, he of outrageous makeup of "Kiss" sing the national anthem without his usual getup? Alas, he can. Who knew?
Alas, the Steelers did not win. But it was an amazing day just the same.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
2013: Week 37
This is the only picture I took all week. The reason for the paucity of output is simple: I thought I would be spending Sunday at the Goodwood Revival, where they would be photo ops aplenty.
Alas, I spent Sunday at home with my sick teenager. Motherhood is so glamourous sometimes.
On the plus side, I finally installed the new version of the vsco app for my iPhone. This is the first picture I took with it, and I know I'm in love already. So at least something good happened to redeem my day.
Monday, September 09, 2013
Monday, September 02, 2013
2013: Week 35
Or, in this case, when your son and his best friend want to raise money for their favourite charities, make lemonade. Which is exactly what we did.
I think I got RSI from squeezing several dozen lemons, but it was delicious. The boys also managed to raise £103 on the day, so it was well worth the effort.
Monday, August 26, 2013
2013: Week 34
Reims is the capital of the champagne region, so we were disappointed to not be given a bottle of complementary champagne on our arrival in the city. Oh well.
Reims is also known for its amazing cathedral. We have been to our fair share of extraordinary churches in our time, but this one was by far the most awe inspiring of them all.
Monday, August 19, 2013
2013: Week 33
It was epic.
We got great photos, sure, but it was epic because of the fun we had together. It was a perfect ending for a perfect trip.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
2013: Week 32
It made for an interesting week, as the ducks would glide by in the morning and evening and we had the ever-present sound of water rushing down the waterfall (we got used to it eventually). The sight also reminded me of a waterfall from my childhood that was just down the street from our house, which was nice.
But after surviving a hail storm and a small flood in the house here (that's another story for another time), I'm glad we were only visiting, not living there permanently.
Monday, August 05, 2013
2013: Week 31
RideLondon is the successor to the Sky Ride, which we also did. Central London is closed to automobile traffic, but it is still completely mad because so many people take part. But there is definitely a special thrill having the roads taken over by cyclists and gliding past all the places that make London London.
We managed two loops-- 16 miles-- before the crowds got to be too much and we headed home. It definitely was something special though.
Monday, July 29, 2013
2013: Week 30
This was the theme of the wedding we went to in Week 30. You've got to love a couple with a wry sense of humour.
Monday, July 22, 2013
2013: Week 29
Hashtags: #FromWhereIStand #Epic #ALifetimeOfRunningCameInHandyAfterNoTraining
Monday, July 15, 2013
Monday, July 08, 2013
2013: Week 27
Monday, July 01, 2013
2013: Week 26
As the Steve Miller Band once sang, "Time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin' into the future."
This week I was reminded more than once how quickly time flies. Our 13-year-old is heading off for a week with his class for a trip to France, while our 10-year-old moved up to the highest swimming level after taking lessons non-stop since he was 18 months old. It seems only yesterday that both of them were toddlers with a headful of curls running around whenever possible.
They'll be leaving for university before I know it if I'm not mindful of the time we've got together.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
2013: Week 25
I had a really hard time choosing this week's picture: it was down to either this one or the red balloons floating to the sky for Walk for Tom.
Walk for Tom was a charity walk around the grounds of Charlton Athletic to raise money for Charlton Park Riding for the Disabled. It honoured the memory of Tom Warren, who had cerebral palsy, and loved riding at the RDA. (To see that picture, see it here: [])
In the end, I went with this one. "Brain Collector" was one of the dozens of art happenings this weekend as part of the Greenwich + Docklands International Festival. Brain Collector was absolutely mad-- in a good way. I have no idea if it collected our brains after we visited, but it sure was interesting.
Monday, June 17, 2013
2013: Week 24
The moon shines on Bruce Springsteen at Wembley during his EPIC concert during Week 24.
It was amazing. Bruce was epically good, as always. But it was also amazing because we took our 10-year-old and 13-year-old sons with us. They now know why The Boss is The Boss. It's almost as if our parenting job is complete. Ha!
I was also able to capture the moon rising over the Wembley. It's not often that you look up at the sky during a monstrous rock concert, but there you go. That's me for you.
Monday, June 10, 2013
2013: Week 23
Week 23 was a week of glorious sunshine. I found myself eating lunch and working in the garden every day, because I was so desperate to soak up the sunshine and Vitamin D. I even managed to get sunburned on two days. It all made a nice change from the endless gray skies we seem to have had so far in 2013.
Monday, June 03, 2013
2013: Week 22
I literally stumbled across this street art on my way back from eating pizza on a retired double-decker bus. Only in London.
Monday, May 27, 2013
2013: Week 21
A formula for you:
CosPlay* + Marvel Avengers + XBox Game Preview = ComicCon Nirvana.
*For the non-hipsters among you, it means "Costume Play". I had to ask the 13 year old what it meant.
Monday, May 20, 2013
2013: Week 20
This Red Balloon found its way to our ceiling during Thing Two's 10th birthday celebrations. It, along with a dozen other balloons, found their way there while Thing One showed us all how static electricity worked. Every morning after they had fallen down in the night, Thing One would dutifully put the balloons back on the ceiling for us.
Monday, May 13, 2013
2013: Week 19
Tuesday, May 07, 2013
2013: Week 18
In Week 18, I found that it was peak cherry blossom season in Greenwich Park during one of my morning runs.
The funny thing is, this is our 14th spring in Greenwich, but this is the first time I actually got around to taking a picture of the beautiful cherry blossom lane near the top.
No filter was harmed in the making of this picture.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
2013: Week 17
Sun + Trees = Epic Tree Shadows.
Captured in Greenwich Park during my morning run. It was fantastic to get a string of sunny days. It's been too long since we've had reliable sun.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
2013: Week 16
The 2013 London Marathon had perfect conditions on Sunday: a clear blue sky, sunny and lowish temperatures.
Every year we go to Deptford Creek bridge and cheer on the runners. I spied this patriotic fellow as we were walking back home. Unfortunately, my son lost interest before we got to see any interesting fancy dress runners, but we did manage to see Mo Farah, which was its own sort of awesome.
Inevitably, the cheering exercise also reminds me of the year that I ran the marathon myself, in 2005. It was easily in the Top 5 of the best days of my life. Although I won't be able to do a marathon ever again, it still brings a smile to my face and a tear to my eye when I think about that day.
Monday, April 15, 2013
2013: Week 15
Although we can't see how tall they're getting from year to year, since they sit down in the picture, it's still a great way to chart their growth and mark the years.
This year was the latest we've ever taken the picture, which is probably down to the cold winter and spring we've had. But usually we take the snap in mid- to late-March. This year, it was mid-April, and we could have waited even longer as the daffs are still emerging.
Monday, April 08, 2013
2013: Week 14
Monday, April 01, 2013
2013: Week 13
Monday, March 25, 2013
2013: Week 12
This is the week it officially became spring. This is also the week it snowed in London (and in lots of other places around the U.K.). So if I were to make a mathematical formula, it would look something like this:
(First day of Spring) + 2Snowstorms / (Interminable Grey Skies) = Most Rubbish Spring EVER.
Yes, Rubbish Spring. That's what it's been.
On Saturday, the third day of spring, we woke up to snow. Now if I were still in Chicago, this would not be newsworthy. But here it is. We're all fed up with it. Please, if the sunny skies and the warmer temperatures could get here ASAP, we would very much appreciate it.
Thing No. 1 made this snowball while we were out and about on Saturday afternoon. Not surprisingly, we spent most of the walk complaining about the weather.
Monday, March 18, 2013
2013: Week 11
The granddaughter of an Irish immigrant to the States, St. Patricks Day was a BIG deal in our family when I was growing up. My grandfather even had a special sign that counted down the days until St. Pat's, starting with 364. (He couldn't help himself. His name was Patrick too.) The tradition continued at university, where I was surrounded by other Irish-Americans who liked to live it up on St. Pat's. When I say "live it up" what I really mean is, "start the party at 8 a.m."
I then went to graduate school in Chicago, a city that *literally* dyes the river green for St. Patrick's Day. When I first moved there, I thought it was a joke, because the Chicago River was pretty green for the rest of the year. But no. On St. Patrick's Day, they dye the river a bright green. Amazing.
St. Patrick's Day 2013 in London was a cold, grey and rainy day. But I was determined to celebrate. So I set myself the task to find green things in Greenwich, which I did. I might not have drunk any green beer, but I think my grandpa would have approved.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Red Nose Day 2013

Clark Kent/Superman eats his breakfast and gets ready for Red Nose Day 2013. #rednoseday #squareready, a photo by MAStapleton on Flickr.
His school asked that they dress up as superheroes. As he has outgrown his old trusty Superman outfit (Sad Face), we had to improvise, but I think the improvisation is better than the original.
Monday, March 11, 2013
2013: Week 10
These pussy willows were given to me by my sons on Mothering Sunday. No fool me, I put in a specific request for them on Saturday to give them a steer on what I would like. Early on Sunday morning, the two boys went out to the flower lady down the street and got them for me. When I finally got up (Saturday had been a very late night), they were waiting for me on the dining room table, along with my cards, some chocolates, some hand-made gifts and the Sunday Observer.
Pussy willows are my absolute favourite flowers of March. My Gramps had a massive pussy willow bush, so every March when he came to visit, he would arrive with an armload of them to give to us. (Now at £3 for 3 stems, the armload was worth a fortune in today's market. But I digress.) So whenever I see them, I think of him: his kindness, his love of reading and his dry wit.
Happy Mothering Sunday everyone.
Monday, March 04, 2013
2013: Week 9
The skies have been unrelentingly grey, but I spotted some crocuses that gave me hope that Spring will be here eventually.
I took this photo on 27 February, but for reasons unknown to me, that's not the time stamp assigned by Flickr.
Monday, February 25, 2013
2013: Week 8
There is no way I can say the next statement without sounding like a twat, but honest, I'm not. We rented a castle to stay in for the week. The central heating might have been a bit dicey, but I did manage to get some good photos. This one was my favourite of the lot.
Monday, February 18, 2013
2013: Week 7
But I went with this one, because it's my favourite of the week. My son and I were waiting for the bus after his weekly swim lesson, and I saw that the rain and the car lights looked really cool through the glass panel of the bus shelter. I didn't know if the picture would come out, but it did, and I love it.
I didn't even put it through a filter or do any PhotoShop shenanigans. This is just how it came out.
As they say, the best camera is the camera you have with you. Thanks iPhone.
Monday, February 11, 2013
2013: Week 6
Guerrilla Knitters brighten up the Thames Path in Greenwich. It never fails to make me smile.
For years, the Thames Path in Greenwich, between the Cutty Sark and the Dome, was a hard-core industrial area. Bit by bit in the last seven years, the businesses have moved and plans to redevelop the area into a residential area have moved ahead. At the moment, it is in between the two phases, making it a bit desolate.
Greenwich Guerrilla Knitters, our local guerrilla knitters group (doesn't every town have one?), have done their bit to brighten up the path in the last few months. I think it looks gorgeous, and it definitely brightens my day as I run down the path. During Christmas, they even mounted an advent calendar and Christmas stockings with a fireplace, which really was something else.
I picked this photo for Week 6 because I took this photos during my run on Friday morning. It was one of those legendary runs when you don't feel like going out at all, then you convince yourself to go a little farther and a little farther. Before I knew it, my plan to do a quick two-mile run had evolved into a five mile run. It was a glorious morning and the sun was shining. I'm also glad I took along my phone. I never do, but maybe I will start to make it a habit.
Monday, February 04, 2013
2013: Week 5
EAST London, as quickly captured from the DLR.
In actual fact, I was surprised I got the picture at all. On the way into the Stratford DLR station, I saw this mural and figured it would make a great picture. But eager to get on with the task at hand (buying son a new pair of shoes at Westfield Stratford), we hurried past it when we arrived.
Of course, sod's law meant that when we got back there to get our train home, the doors were about to shut and I couldn't stop to take the picture, as neither one of us had the required energy to wait 10 minutes for the next train. So as soon as we dropped our bags, I ran to the door and snapped several pictures as the train pulled out of the station.
Sure, the EAST isn't as much in focus as I would like. But I love how the tracks are out of focus, which is down purely to the fact that we were on our way.