Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oscar Pre-Game 23:54

Jodie Foster just got interviewed by Ryan Seacrest. He's an idiot. He said, "Your eyes perfectly match the colour of your dress," (by Vera Wang, who would be my Oscar dress choice). Jodie very wittily replied, "I got them dyed to match."

Now I've got a full view of Penolope Cruz's dress and I have to change my vote. I still don't like the colour, but I LOVE the train. It's just the sort of over-the-top skirt you should have for the Oscars. Beautiful.

Oscar winner Rachel Weisz just stopped by E! and we agree that her dress is beautiful. It's also done by Vera Wang, MarathonMum's Oscar designer in my fabulous parallel life.

Jessica Biel is stopping by E! We don't like her dress. We think it makes her look zaftig, which we're quite certain she's not.

Kelly Preston: wearing Dolce and Gabbana, and it's HORRIBLE. It's some sort of wierd animalistic print. It's a bad choice, but is making for a great year for horrible dresses for us to be catty about.

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