Monday, January 28, 2013

2012: Week 4

2012: Week 4 by MAStapleton
2012: Week 4, a photo by MAStapleton on Flickr.

In a week when London was blanketed with snow-- thus exponentially increasing the photo opportunities-- I went with this one instead. While the snow was beautiful, I thought this photo would be what I would want to remember for the week. It was, after all, my younger son's first protest march. May it be the first of many.

Lewisham Hospital, our local hospital, is facing the dismantling of its services due to the failure of a neighbouring (not even its own) health service. The plans, which are currently under review by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, would involve the closure of Lewisham's A & E departments and a reorganisation of its maternity ward, as well as the reorganisation of many other departments.

On a beautiful Saturday morning, my son, my friend, her son and another friend took part in the march, along with about 25,000 other people. I don't know if it will change Jeremy Hunt's mind (the cynic in me says no) but I feel better having made my outrage known in a very public way.

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